Images curtesy of Fairfield County Children's Choir
About Fairfield County Children's Choir in Trumbull, CT
from diverse cultures.
At the FCCC, we believe in the power of music to nurture a child's creativity, enthusiasm, and sense of accomplishment. We strive to provide a quality musical experience that is challenging, rewarding, and enjoyable. By offering the opportunity to practice and perform choral music with excellence and artistry, we help to foster the personal, musical, and social growth of each child, promoting self-esteem and self-discipline. Our goal is to create an environment where children can explore the joy of singing and make lasting connections with the music and with each other.
As an organization, we are dedicated to providing a well-rounded musical experience to our members. Our repertoire includes standard children's choir pieces, masterpieces from throughout music history, new works, and lesser-known "little gems" from diverse cultures. By exposing our members to a variety of styles and genres, we are helping to shape their musical taste and appreciation. We are proud to be able to contribute to the quality of the cultural life of our members and the community as a whole.
Programs at Fairfield County Children's Choir in Trumbull, CT
Singers focus on vocal development and musical reading, using movable 'do' solfege and rhythm syllables.
Acquire skills continue to be developed. Repertoire expands to include three-part singing, with more sophisticated voicing, musical forms, texts and techniques.
Concert Choir
Acquired skills continue to be developed. Repertoire expands to include four part singing, with more sophisticated voicing, musical forms, texts and techniques.
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