Images curtesy of The Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop
About The Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop in Hamden, CT
The Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop offers a unique learning experience for students, teachers, and families. Through interactive exhibits and activities, visitors can discover the roots of design and invention. With hands-on experiments and educational programs, visitors can explore the world of innovation and creativity.
At the Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop, students, teachers, and families can get hands-on experience with the experiments that have been at the roots of design and invention. Through interactive exhibits and activities, visitors can explore the world of innovation and creativity. With educational programs and experiments, visitors can gain a better understanding of the process of design and invention.
The Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop is an educational resource for students, teachers, and families. With collections that interpret and teach experiments that are the roots of design and invention, visitors can explore the world of innovation and creativity. Hands-on experiments and educational programs provide a unique learning experience that encourages creative thinking and problem-solving.
Programs at The Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop in Hamden, CT
School Programs (Meeting CT, CC, or NGSS Standards)
Over the course of a year, students in our programs build more than 80,000 projects. Choose a program from our extensive catalog to meet your curriculum needs and excite your students’ talents. We have added a search bar to make it easier for you to find programs that suit specific grade levels, CT Science Framework, and Common Core categories. Just because a program is listed for a 3rd grade Standard doesn't mean it isn't appropriate for another grade, and falling into an older grade curriculum doesn't exclude it from being done by a younger group of capable students. We've tried to indicate that by the age range listed in the descriptions.
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