Nathalie K05/14/20215I just wanted to express my gratitude. My youngster enjoyed himself a lot! Mr. Anthony is a five-star teacher. I thought it was amazing how he was able to instruct, discipline, and lead these young children while yet giving them the freedom to fully engage, enjoy themselves, and realize their full potential. I admired how gently and tactfully the children were made accountable. I was present the entire time (in the background), and I greatly value his teaching approach. Aside from everything I just said, the kids had a blast—at least my kids did.
Emily V08/18/20215At your summer camp, my son and his buddies had so much fun that I don't believe they ever realized they were learning engineering! I'm sure I'll be the first to point out the lessons he learned from building cool Lego creations to him the next time he asks, "When am I ever going to need this?" when working on a math problem. Children are driven to learn in various ways. Teaching elementary school children the fun and value of education will help them see possibilities they may not have otherwise thought of. Please visit us! We adore you.