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About Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA
At our organization, we believe in empowering and encouraging girls to explore and develop their unique gifts. We provide support and guidance to help them strengthen their self-esteem and feel confident in taking risks. Our goal is to help girls nurture meaningful relationships and overcome any gender, economic, or social barriers that may stand in the way of achieving their goals.
We offer evidence-based programming that fosters healthy development, and provides opportunities for girls to reach their full potential. We are dedicated to creating an environment that is safe, supportive, and gives girls the chance to learn and grow. We are also committed to advocating for policies that promote equal opportunities and rights for all girls, and take into account the perspectives of our girls and their families.
Our focus is on providing girls with the tools they need to lead successful and meaningful lives. We strive to create an atmosphere that allows girls to embrace their strengths, have confidence in their decisions, and create positive relationships. We strive to make sure that girls have the resources and opportunities they need to succeed, and to ensure that all girls are heard and respected.
Programs at Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA
Academic enrichment, and social & emotional learning that helps girls build confidence and leadership skills in a pro-girl environment.
Preschool Playtime
Preschool playtime is a one hour long parent participation class; the instructor will supervise you and your gymnast though the gym doing different obstacles at each event along with free play in the entire gym. This is a great way to get your little one moving and introduce them to the fundamentals of gymnastics.
Mini Stars
Mini stars is a 45 minute, parent participation class for co-ed gymnasts ages 18 months-3years11months. It differs from our Preschool Playtime’s open gym-exploration style; it is led by an instructor who has age appropriate courses set up at each event; Vault, Bars, Beam, and Floor. The class will stick together on the courses and rotate as a class to each event. Parents will assist their child at each gymnastics station with the guidance of the instructor.
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Cheer Training
This class is an hour-long introductory cheer class open to both boys and girls. The class focuses on learning the fundamentals of cheer such as motions, jumps, tumbling, strength, flexibility, coordination, and confidence.
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Reviews of Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA
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