About Tat Wong Kung Fu International in San Francisco, CA
At the Tat Wong Kung Fu Academy, they offer dynamic martial arts, self-defense courses, kung fu, and kick boxing for adults looking for a fitness regimen as well as a creative and fun curriculum to engage younger students. With more than 30 years of experience, the academy provides exceptional quality in kung fu training at affordable prices.
The staff of the academy is led by Grandmaster Tat-Mau Wong who has trained in Judo, Tae kwon do, Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chi Gung, and Shuai Jiao. Over his many years of practice, he has developed a curriculum that is designed to help people of all ages, nationalities, and athletic abilities benefit from martial arts training. The team of Masters and Sifus that have developed under Grandmaster Wong’s guidance are highly skilled and experienced, offering students a comprehensive martial arts education in self-defense, traditional Chinese martial arts, and kickboxing drills.
Programs at Tat Wong Kung Fu International in San Francisco, CA
Specialized Kids Kung Fu and Self-Defense Classes
Tat Wong Kung Fu Academy in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Concord, California offers martial arts classes for children with specialized kid’s Kung Fu and self-defense classes. Our Children’s martial arts training program helps your child improve their confidence and physical strengths with our Kung Fu Kids classes for kids of all ages. We also focus instruction on valuable self-defense skills and strategies, as well as traditional martial arts qualities that help children become more focused, respectful, and disciplined. For extra training in self-defense Kung Fu kids also have the opportunity to attend special self-defense seminars we offer students and as well on special occasions with a family member on our special mother's day and father's day self-defense work-outs, for example. For our intermediate and advanced Kung Fu kids we offer specialized seminars in specific areas of kung fu to hone their skills in self-defense applications, performance and competition techniques, lion dancing, and the traditional chinese martial arts open-hand and weapons forms. Students have the opportunity to learn the kung fu weapons forms from shaolin staff, tiger-tail sword, mui-fa spear, and more. We’ve structured a class curriculum that makes learning Kung Fu and self-defense fun while at the same time helping your child become healthy and fit, and more disciplined, focused, confident, and safe.
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