Mythara M07/07/20215Daughter loved Camp Mendocino and can’t wait to go next year. She made some great friends and memories that will last a lifetime.
Gabriel G05/08/20205Camp Mendocino was and is a place to be with and enjoy nature. The experience of being away from home , then finding ourself under God' sroof - under the same sun and mood bowing to the greatness of nature - and all that it can provide - The peace of just being there- is a learning experience denied few- The possibilities become endless when you begin with nothing and start from there - Plan it - Plant it - Watch it grow- is one of the many blessings found there - I hope you already Know - Camp Is a life altering experience - I'm Still Here - Ish-'23 -
Cristina Z05/05/20205My kids have been going for 4years and absolutely love it! i recommend completely, they make so many new friendships every year and it makes me so happy!
Lennex D07/23/20215My girls have went for the past four years and they love it. Them and their friends plan their summers around going to camp.
Paula P08/06/20205oth of my son's have gone to Camp Mendocino for the past couple of years. Great staff and my kids always have positive things to say about their experience. I love that they walk away with a great sense of community and met new friends. I highly recommend it.