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About Whitney Jr Wildcats Football & Cheer in Rocklin, CA
The Whitney Jr. Wildcats (WJW) organization was first established in 2007 with the mission of providing the Rocklin community with a youth football and cheer program. The program is dedicated to helping young athletes build character and teach them important life skills. Through the combination of football and cheer, WJW is focused on promoting success both on and off the field.
At WJW, we are proud to offer a safe and enriching environment for all of our athletes. Our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is focused on developing a strong sense of teamwork, sportsmanship, and respect for others. We strive to help our athletes gain confidence, build character, and learn important life skills that will help them succeed in both the sports arena and in life.
The Whitney Jr. Wildcats are committed to providing the Rocklin community with a high-quality youth football and cheer program. We believe in the importance of teaching our athletes important values such as teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship. Through our commitment to building character and confidence, we strive to help our athletes succeed both on and off the field. WJW is proud to have been part of the Rocklin community for over thirteen years.
Programs at Whitney Jr Wildcats Football & Cheer in Rocklin, CA
All players must meet the grade/age/weight limits in order to certify and be eligible to play. Any player not certifying after the third game of the season will be dismissed from the team.
It is up to each individual association if they are going to allow 1st graders (or 6 year olds) to play.
Minimum age to play is 6 years old as of August 1st and maximum age is 14 as of August 1st of the current season.
** on the table below indicates a flyweight player (a first year player that can move down a level if they are a specific weight)
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We are excited to have your participation in the program. Cheerleading squad members cheer, jump, stunt, tumble, perform sideline chants and halftime routines at all games during the football season. This year, all squads will participate in several team performances as well as two cheerleading competitions. Cheerleaders will lead the crowd in support of their football teams, learn choreographed routines and safely perfect partner stunts. Cheerleading is a team sport and everyone’s participation is essential to the success of the entire squad.
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Reviews of Whitney Jr Wildcats Football & Cheer in Rocklin, CA
2351 Sunset Blvd, Suite 170-616, Rocklin, CA, 95765
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