Meet Chad, a seasoned Laguna Beach Marine Safety Lifeguard who has dedicated 16 years of his life to aquatic safety. His journey as a lifeguard began during the summer of 1991, when he joined the City of Laguna Beach Marine Safety. In just a few short years, Chad’s dedication and commitment to the job saw him rise to the position of Senior Head Junior Lifeguard Instructor and Coordinator, a role he held from the summers of 1995 to 2005.
Chad’s drive to introduce younger kids to the importance of beach safety led him to create the Mermaid & Sea Cub program in 1997. This program, mirroring the Jr. Guards initiative, is designed specifically for youngsters aged 5 to 7. It provides a great platform to educate little ones about ocean safety, while ensuring they have a blast!
Chad's passion for promoting beach and ocean safety didn't stop there. In 2008, he launched "Beach Camp Laguna," an all-day beach camp. This camp, like all of Chad’s initiatives, emphasizes on promoting knowledge about beach safety, but does so through a series of engaging and entertaining activities. It’s all about learning and having fun at the same time!