About Escondido Soccer Club - FC Heat in Escondido, CA

For over forty years, Escondido Soccer Club - FC Heat has been providing children with an opportunity to learn and play the game of soccer. Founded in 1976, NCYSA was one of the first youth recreational soccer organizations in San Diego County. It has since grown to include over 2,000 children actively playing soccer. In 2001, the organization changed its name to Escondido Soccer Club, incorporating both its Recreational teams and a newly created FC Heat Elite Competitive program. In 2004, the club began playing all games at Frances Ryan Park, a dedicated sports complex, and has offered financial assistance to families unable to pay. Today, Escondido Soccer Club - FC Heat is dedicated to providing children with the skills and knowledge necessary to play the game of soccer. Thanks to their commitment since 1976, thousands of children have had the opportunity to learn and grow through soccer.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Preschool
  • Kids
  • Tweens


  • Internet Access
  • Sports Court/Field

Programs at Escondido Soccer Club - FC Heat in Escondido, CA

a group of people playing football
Fall Season

Escondido Soccer Club fall season takes place in the middle of August through November. It is a 10 game season. Games will be played on Saturday or Sundays. Cost for fall season includes uniforms (socks, jersey, shorts) and referee fee's. Practice days are either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursdays, this will be determined by the coach. U12 through U19 divisions will be playing in our SOCAL league which will involve traveling and Saturday and Sunday games.

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a couple of boys holding medals

Escondido Soccer Club - FC Heat's All-Star Program is designed to provide Recreational players the opportunity to experience games in a tournament setting with a higher level of play. As such, the All-Star Program can be a stepping stone opportunity for those players who participate as preparation for a competitive Heat tryout. It typically lasts from November to January, with training or practice sessions and tournaments. But timing is TBD for the next season.

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a group of men wearing sports uniforms
Spring Season

A training curriculum has been customized for each age division. Players will have optional practices with games on Friday nights. Spring season is fun with friends! Games will start March 17th thru May 12th on Friday nights with one game on Saturday April 29th at Ryan Park.

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Location and contact information

390 North Hidden Trails Rd, Escondido, CA, 92027