Karate isn’t just about getting in shape or learning self-defense. It also teaches you to respect yourself and others. Through commitment, perseverance, and dedication, you’ll learn to appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into mastering Karate. You’ll learn to be humble, honest, and generous, and to be an honorable person. With Diaz Karate USA, you’ll gain a greater understanding of yourself and your capabilities.
Programs at Diaz Karate USA Dojo in Cathedral City, CA
Our Karate parents love the benefits of having their children practice Karate. Martial Arts is not a team sport, the only person that a child is competing with is “Themselves”.
Kids come to us from ages 4 and up, some are in shape, while others are overweight. Some come for confidence, fitness and others for fun. Each child is treated equally, and is trained to the best of their own ability and potential. A child is never compared to anyone else.
Our Senseis and Sempais are there to guide, instruct, and motivate your kid to be the best that they can be.
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