Skyland Ranch – the camp that cookies built – has been a special location for women and girls to explore and experience nature for over 70 years. With gorgeous views and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, this Girl Scout camp is the perfect place for girls to get out and explore. From the rock ledges to the desert valley, from the soaring heights of the Salton Sea to the Joshua Tree National Park, Skyland Ranch gives girls the chance to explore and discover the wonders of nature. Whether it’s a star-filled night sky or a gentle breeze rustling through the pines, Skyland Ranch is a place to make memories and build friendships that will last a lifetime.
Where can a girl gain independence and confidence while adventuring in some of the most beautiful places around? Girl Scout sleep-away camp! Girls can spend several nights at one of our two amazing Sleep-Away camps – Camp Skyland Ranch or Camp Azalea Trails. At both locations, there’s no limit to the amount of adventure and fun your girl can have. From archery to crafts, horseback riding to performance, our sleep-away camps offer amazing experiences and lots of themed excitement. Girls have the time of their lives. Join us for a summer adventure…you’ll be glad you did.
19750 Banning-Idyllwild Panoramic Highway, Idyllwild, CA, 92549
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