a woman and a child looking at a tray of food
CookingTweens 9-12

10 Fun Facts About Cooking to Inspire Kids

Cooking can be a great way to teach your kids valuable life skills, while also being a lot of fun. Here are 10 fun facts about cooking that will have your 9-12-year-old kids eager to get in the kitchen and start cooking up a storm.

1. The first cookbook was written in the 5th century BC by a Greek author named Archestratus.

2. The world's hottest chili pepper is the Carolina Reaper, which measures an amazing 2.2 million on the Scoville Scale.
3. The world's longest noodle is believed to be a Chinese egg noodle that measures 2,000 meters in length.

4. Ancient Egyptians were the first to use sugar in cooking, and one of the oldest known recipes is a honey-sweetened cake.

5. The world's oldest known recipe is for beer, and it dates back to the year 3500 BC.

6. The first microwave was invented by an engineer named Percy Spencer in 1945.

7. The first pizzeria in the United States was opened in New York in 1905.

8. The world's most expensive spice is saffron, which can cost up to $10,000 per pound.

9. The world's most expensive coffee is Kopi Luwak, which is made from coffee beans that have been eaten and digested by civets.

10. The world's largest pizza was made in Rome in 2012 and measured 13,580 square feet.

Cooking is a great way to teach your kids life skills, while also having a lot of fun. With these 10 fun facts about cooking, you should have your 9-12-year-old kids eager to get in the kitchen and start cooking up a storm.

CookingTweens 9-12


After schoolEducationFamilyMiddle schoolLearning

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