In the whimsical land of New Jersey, a state known for its vibrant boardwalks, lush greenery, and an inexplicable number of diners, dwells a troop of extraordinary kids engaged in a magical activity known as Theater/Drama. New Jersey, or as it's known in the secret world of drama - "The Stage State," is a hidden treasure trove of talent, where kids get to explore their dramatic genius. Our story revolves around a quirky imaginary character, Sir Thespian Llama, or as his friends call him, "Thespi-Llama." Now Thespi-Llama isn't your ordinary llama. He doesn't graze meadows or climb mountains. He's got a passion for the theater, a snazzy waistcoat, and a habit of reciting Shakespeare at the most unexpected of times. The kids of New Jersey, inspired by their furry, dramatic compatriot, dive headfirst into the world of theater! They're the kind of kids who treat life as their stage, never missing a chance to perform, be it at school, at the dinner table, or even while brushing their teeth! They play everything from rambunctious pirates to wise wizards, from giggling goblins to elegant elves, with a zeal that can outshine Broadway! This bunch of drama enthusiasts, led by our Thespi-Llama, fill every day with their infectious laughter, wild creativity, and a sprinkle of madness. They make their state proud, keeping the drama alive, in more ways than one. So, when you ask someone about New Jersey, they might talk about the beaches, the parks, or the food, but if you ask Thespi-Llama, he'd say it's the kids in theater who make this state truly extraordinary!

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best theater-drama programs in Ringwood, NJ

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
4.5(4 reviews)
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At Spring Lake Day Camp, we strive to provide our campers with a safe and nurturing environment that encourages exploration and adventure. We are an American Camp Association (ACA) accredited camp, which means that our commitment to a standard of care with prudence is one of the highest available in the country. We focus on enhancing self-confidence, developing leadership and communication skills, and providing a positive and beneficial summer experience. Our outstanding programs offer a wide variety of activities, from team sports and aquatics to creative arts and adventure activities. We believe that the outdoor learning experience of camp encourages healthy risk-taking, and helps to build the emotional IQ and necessary skills for the modern world. We foster sportsmanship, leadership, determination, and cooperation in a supportive and encouraging environment, while offering healthy competition and positive reinforcement to give each camper a sense of personal growth. With our mission in mind, we strive to make each summer at Spring Lake Day Camp a unique, fun, and memorable experience.

Ringwood, NJ 07456-2419
5(5 reviews)