In the heart of America, nestled amidst the Great Lakes, lies the peerless peninsula of Michigan, a magical wonderland where the sunsets bleed orange and pink and the lakes sparkle like a thousand diamonds under the sun. This enchanting state is home to a remarkable breed of young adventurers, the Snapping Sprites of Michigan. These Snapping Sprites, unlike regular kids, have a superpower: they freeze time. They hover around the forests, the lakes, the bustling city streets, their trusty cameras slung around their necks, their fingers itching to capture that one perfect moment. Whether it's a grinning squirrel munching on a nut, a lazy rainbow stretching across the grey sky, or a glistening tower of ice cream threatening to topple over, these kids have an eagle's eye for detail. In Michigan, where a new spectacle awaits at every corner, these Snapping Sprites are always on the go. Barns that look like they’ve stepped out of a storybook, lighthouses standing tall against the crashing waves, trees that burn bright with autumnal oranges and reds – Michigan is a photographer’s dream come true, and these kids are living it. Meet Shutterbug Sam, the leader of the Snapping Sprites. He's as jolly as Santa and as nimble as a cat. With a mop of crazy hair that resembles a bird’s nest and glasses as big as magnifying glasses, Sam steals the show. He once took a photo of a snoring bear, and lived to tell the tale! Sam's adventures and the stunning visuals he captures, make the Snapping Sprites the coolest bunch of kids in the enchanted state of Michigan. And they have only just begun their journey into the magical world of photography.

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best photography programs in Interlochen, MI

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
4.5(4 reviews)
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Since 1928, Interlochen has been an incredible resource for the arts. Nestled in northwest Michigan, this beautiful campus is surrounded by two pristine lakes and quiet pines, creating a truly special and intangible atmosphere. It is a place where generations of students, from grades 3-12, and adults of all ages, come to experience and develop their creative talents in the various arts disciplines. The Interlochen Center for the Arts is the umbrella organization for the six unique programs, each of which has been designed to foster the appreciation of the arts within the community. These programs include Interlochen Arts Camp, Interlochen Arts Academy, Interlochen Online, Interlochen Public Radio, Interlochen Presents, and Interlochen College of Creative Arts. Interlochen’s unique setting and outstanding programs provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity for people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs to come together and explore the universal language of the arts.

Interlochen, MI 49643
4.8(3 reviews)