In the fantastical realm of the Pine Tree State, also known as Maine, a ragtag group of kids, known as the Lens Legends, undertake epic adventures with their trusty cameras. This wild and wondrous place, with its rocky coastline guarded by lighthouses, thick forests teeming with secret trails, and charismatic moose who grudgingly pose for photos, provides an endless source of inspiration for these young shutterbugs. Led by our hero, Shutterbug Sam, a ten-year-old with a camera in one hand and a lobster roll in the other, this lively bunch could be found braving the chilly Atlantic waves for the perfect sunrise shot, or trudging through the snowy slopes of Mount Katahdin, their breath fogging up their camera lenses. Shutterbug Sam, with his wild hair standing on end like a porcupine and glasses as round and large as camera lenses, was a sight to behold. His jokes, as corny as the fields in Aroostook County, always managed to bring laughter to the group, making their photographic journey even more memorable. "Why don't secrets work on a camera?" he'd ask, before delivering his zinger: "Because they always click!" The Lens Legends, these brave, camera-toting kids of Maine, with their images filled with the rugged beauty of their home state, painted stories of their adventures. The snapshots spoke a thousand words, each word etched with the laughter, camaraderie, and joy shared on their incredible journey. But above all, their photographs held the magic of their friendships, their shared love for their beautiful state, and their passion for photography, forever preserved in pixels and prints.

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best photography programs in Fryeburg, ME

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Welcome, craft enthusiasts, to the Crafts Zone! This is your gateway to a world where creativity meets learning. With our specially designed crafting sessions, we aim to cater to not just your artistic side, but also your intellectual curiosity. We dedicate 20% of our sessions to learning, so you can always stay updated with the latest crafting techniques. Get ready to create and network as these form the bulk of our sessions, a whopping 70%! You'll have plenty of opportunities to bring your imaginative ideas to life and also meet fellow craft lovers. Enjoy the shared experience of creating something beautiful while making friends who share your passion. And let's not forget about relaxation! At Crafts Zone, 10% of our time is devoted to unwinding. Crafting can be therapeutic, and we believe in the power of creativity to relieve stress. So, come and enjoy the tranquil, artistic atmosphere. Don't forget to take a look at our upcoming workshops. With Crafts Zone, let the creative journey begin!

Brookline, MA 02446
a couple of kids in a pool
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Abraham and Gertrude Krasker, a professor and teacher from Essex College, had a dream to own a summer camp of their own. They found the perfect spot, a farm nestled in Fryeburg, ME and opened the doors of Indian Acres Camp for Boys in 1924. Two years later, Forest Acres Camp for Girls opened two miles down the road. When Abraham passed in 1962, their son Dick took over ownership and management of both camps. With his wife Sandy, Dick ran camp until 1998 when it was purchased by Lisa and Geoff Newman. The Newmans were determined to keep the Krasker's legacy alive and with the help of Neal and Julie Waldman, their dream became a reality. Today, Indian and Forest Acres is a thriving summer camp thanks to the hard work of the Newman family. Almost 100 years after its founding, the camp continues to honor the traditions and vision of its founders, Abe and Gertrude Krasker.

Fryeburg, ME 04037
5(4 reviews)