In the bustling, twinkling state of New York, where skyscrapers reach up to tickle the clouds and yellow taxis play tag on the streets, there exists a band of intrepid adventurers known as the "Melodic Marauders". They are not superheroes with capes nor wizards with wands, but a group of children who weave magic with melodies and harmonies. These are the kids who participate in music activities, creating symphonies in the city that never sleeps. Our story begins on a typical Tuesday afternoon. The leader of the Melodic Marauders, a spunky, bespectacled girl named Beatrice, was tuning her violin in Central Park. Beatrice, known as "Beat" by her friends, had a musical prowess that could make a Broadway star giddy. But it was her sense of humor that kept her band together, often cracking jokes that would make even a stoic Statue of Liberty chuckle! Meanwhile, on the other side of the park, there was the energetic, blue-haired percussionist, Max, who could drum rhythms on anything from park benches to hot-dog stands. His beats were as infectious as his laughter, and he was as known for his catchy rhythms as he was for his love of hot dogs. From the hustle of Times Square to the tranquillity of the Adirondacks, these New York kids created music that made hearts dance and spirits soar. They explored every nook and cranny of their state, making music with everything they found, from the jingle of change in a subway performer's hat to the rustling of leaves in an upstate forest. The Melodic Marauders, with their tunes, laughter, and unbreakable bond, celebrated the magic of music in the Empire State.
Read morebest music programs in Vestal, NY

The New England Academy of Gymnastics (NEAG) is the perfect place for your little gymnast to level up their skills and make new friends this summer! With a 14,000 square foot facility that boasts both men’s and women’s Olympic equipment and plenty of training systems for each event, NEAG has everything your child needs to reach their goals. No matter what level of experience your child has, from beginner to advanced, NEAG has something to offer them.

Since 1927, the JCC of Binghamton has been a vital part of the Broome County community. Located south of the University Plaza, the JCC is a dynamic institution, enriching the lives of all ages through its wide variety of services. These range from day care, day camp and youth recreation leagues to aquatics, health and wellness, adult education, social, holiday and cultural programming. The mission of the JCC is to inspire healthier lives, engaging participants in expanding their minds, and playing an active role in their community. It is open to all, regardless of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or ability to pay. Reduced rates for Membership are available based on need and availability of funds. As a nonsectarian, United Way partner, the JCC of Binghamton is proud to provide these services to the community.