In the bustling, pizza-smelling, and sky-scraper-filled world of New York, you'd hardly expect to find a troop of kids who love nothing more than to cast their lines into the shimmering blue waters. But, believe it or not, they do exist! They're known as the "Fish-Whispering Rugrats of the Empire State." Meet Finn, their fearless leader. He's a chubby-cheeked, freckle-faced, ten-year-old with glasses so big they could double as satellite dishes. Funnily enough, Finn isn't a big fan of fish to eat. "They're too squiggly," he says, scrunching up his nose. But, when it comes to fishing, Finn is the young king of the Hudson. Finn and the gang don their fishing caps, grab their poles, and journey out to the city's rivers, lakes, and streams every chance they get. They brave the giant, growling New York City taxis, dart past street performers juggling flaming torches, and even navigate through the wilds of Central Park to find the perfect fishing spot. They're out there come rain or shine, snow or sleet, looking for that next big catch. And when they're not out reeling in fishy friends, these pint-sized anglers are busy inventing new and goofy fishing techniques. There's the "Bagel Bait," where they use leftover NYC bagels as lures. Or the "Statue Still," where they stand as still as the Statue of Liberty hoping not to scare the fish. And let's not forget the "Subway Shimmy," a dance that apparently makes the worms wriggle extra enticingly! So, next time you find yourself in the Empire State, keep your eyes peeled for Finn and his fish-whispering companions, turning the city's waterways into their own adventurous fishing tales.
Read morebest fishing programs in Monroe, NY

What began in a humble New York City apartment with just a single student, Spark, has since blossomed into an enriching program impacting thousands of children. Our unique educational approach combines the elements of art, yoga, meditation, and nature to create a holistic learning environment. This distinctive blend is what sets Spark apart, allowing us to reach and inspire a multitude of children in truly meaningful ways. With an array of offerings to accommodate various schedules and needs, Spark has something for everyone. Our services extend beyond the standard after school and weekend classes to include holiday and summer camps, birthday parties, portfolio preparation, private classes, and custom pods. We also welcome homeschool groups and are thrilled to announce the recent addition of a forest school program to our repertoire. You can find Spark on-site in various schools and at our main studio located in the Upper West Side. But we're not stopping there - we're also planning to expand to the Upper East Side and Brooklyn. For our families in Pennsylvania, we run the program from our family studio there. And if you're not in close proximity to any of our locations, don't worry. We offer in-home instruction and virtual options to ensure that Spark can reach you, no matter where you are. We invite you to explore all the ways you can experience Spark and look forward to helping bring our program to you.

This family has owned the colony since 1942, and it's easy to see why - the same warm and welcoming atmosphere has remained unchanged since then, providing a safe, secure environment for generations of families. The colony offers a lake, a pool, screened-in porches, tree-swings and a day camp for the kids - the only thing missing is playdates! Kids can roam around safely, without having to worry about organized activities. Families from all five boroughs of New York City and the surrounding suburbs travel to the colony, which is multi-generational and historically Jewish, but welcomes all denominations. Grandparents may even find their own children renting out bungalows for their own families to enjoy. This colony is a unique and special place, offering a safe and secure environment for families to enjoy, for generations. With its lake, pool, screened-in porches and tree-swings, kids can engage in activities the way they used to, allowing parents to relax and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a secure, family-friendly environment.