In the bustling, twinkling empire state of New York, where skyscrapers reach the clouds and dreams weave through the air like magic, a crew of brainy, whiz kid inventors known as the 'Steam Dream Team' hold court. This gravity-defying pack of kids with ideas as big as the Big Apple itself, is all about that STEM/STEAM life (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). The gang includes Brainwave Betty, the tech titan who creates flying sneakers using trigonometry and a sprinkle of sass. Then, there's Quantum Quincy, the science sorcerer who brews potions of invisible ink in his bathtub on Tuesdays, just for the fun of it. Don't forget about Algorithmic Andy, the art master who paints gorgeous galaxies using just a protractor and a calculator. And last but not least, we have Machine-minded Maria, an engineering enchantress who once built a robot that does her homework and makes the world's best pancakes. These New York kids are no ordinary children, they're mini Einsteins with a dash of Picasso and a dollop of Edison. They roam the city streets, turning everyday objects into eccentric experiments, using their STEAM skills to solve the quirkiest of quandaries. And the most hilarious part of it all? They meet every Saturday at the world's noisiest library, amidst shushes and glares, right under the snoring nose of old Mrs. Miggins, the librarian. The 'Steam Dream Team' is New York's best kept secret, transforming the city one STEM/STEAM adventure at a time. Their motto is simple, "Keep questioning. Keep inventing. And always remember to laugh at your own mistakes; they're just stepping stones to the next great discovery!"
Read morebest stem-steam programs in Airmont, NY
Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!
This is the story of Mike, a second-generation camp director who has been involved in day camp since he was a child. Mike's dream was to one day become a camp director and, after finishing college, he started working alongside his dad for 12 years. Then he met Michele at camp and was ready to take over the camp from his father – but his dad had no intention to retire any time soon. Mike's childhood dream of becoming a camp director finally became reality when his dad eventually retired 23 years later. He was ready to take over the camp but, due to the delay, had to find a camp of his own. This is an inspiring story of a man who never gave up on his dream. Mike's determination to become a camp director despite the unexpected delay of his father's retirement is a testament to his resilience and passion.