In the quaint, enchanting state of New Hampshire, nestled amidst the grandeur of towering mountains and lush, verdant forests, a curious activity brings glee to the young inhabitants. This isn't the usual hide-and-seek or a game of tag; rather, it's an adventure that splashes rainbows on white canvases, a magical activity known as painting! Meet Puddle Paws, the imaginative raccoon with a flamboyant tail, who is the leader of this colorful troop. Puddle Paws is not just any raccoon; he’s a raccoon with a funny beret, a paintbrush in one hand, and a never-ending palette of paints in the other. His radiant colors are the talk of the town, and his tail, well, it looks like a rainbow exploded on it! The kids of New Hampshire eagerly gather around Puddle Paws every weekend. They dive into their imaginations, using every color of the spectrum to bring their visions to life. From painting the crimson leaves of fall to the sparkling blue lakes, these kids are little artists in the making. Every painting session with Puddle Paws is filled with laughter, silliness, and colorful whirlwinds. Paint often ends up on their cheeks more than their canvases, and sometimes, if you squint your eyes just right, you might spot a child with a rainbow tail, just like Puddle Paws! So, in the heart of New Hampshire, where the mountains kiss the sky, a peculiar raccoon and his band of merry painters fill the world with colors, one giggle and paintbrush stroke at a time.
Read morebest painting programs in Northwood, NH
Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!
Established in 1944, Camp Yavneh is a beloved Jewish summer camp located on 65 acres of woodland and waterfront in Northwood, New Hampshire. For more than 75 years, Camp Yavneh has been at the center of the lives of thousands of individuals throughout the United States, serving as a shining example of Judaism and love. It has been voted a top-ten Jewish overnight camp from a Jewish Camping magazine, and is a cherished destination for many families. At Camp Yavneh, children aged 7-16 engage in a range of activities including sports, arts, theater, swimming, music, and more. With its robust Jewish identity and culture, Camp Yavneh offers an enriching and unique experience that is sure to make lasting memories. Camp Yavneh is dedicated to providing a safe and positive environment for children to learn, grow, and develop. The camp staff are all highly qualified and experienced, providing a top-notch experience that is sure to bring joy to your child. Camp Yavneh also offers a variety of programming for adults, such as reunions, retreats, and other special events.