In the wonderful land of North Carolina, sandwiched between majestic mountains and the swishy-swashy Atlantic Ocean, reside some of the most extraordinary kids you could ever imagine. They’re not just your regular play-in-the-park, eat-ice-cream, do-homework kind of kids. No, siree! These children have some serious twinkle toes. They are the Dance Dynamos of NC! Meet Twirl-tastic Trina, the leader of this jolly jigging crew. With her curly red hair, freckles, and a grin wider than the Mississippi River, she’s a sight to behold when she pirouettes across the dance floor. Following her is Funky-footed Fred, who can make even the grumpiest grizzly bear chuckle with his pulsating pop-and-lock dance moves. And let’s not forget Boogie-woogie Benny, whose electrifying energy can power up the entire NC on a sunny day! These kids have dance sessions in the coziest corners of NC - from the sun-dappled decks of Kitty Hawk to the misty mountains of Asheville. They dance in the rain, in the sunshine, and even under the cotton candy clouds, spreading joy and laughter everywhere. They shuffle and shake, leap and twirl, all the while creating a magical spectacle, like a rainbow after a summer rain. Dancing isn't just a game for them, it's their language, their joy, their magic. And every day, they invite every child of NC to join their ever-growing, giggle-inducing, crazy-creative dance troupe. So, if you ever find yourself in this marvelous state, be ready. You never know when you might be swept into a whirl of dance and delight by the Dance Dynamos of NC!

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best dance programs in Zirconia, NC

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
4.5(4 reviews)
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At Greystone summer camp, girls of all ages can find a safe haven to relax, have fun, and grow. Nestled in a picturesque setting, Greystone provides an amazing variety of activities that are designed to encourage a sense of community and spark joy. With a focus on self-care and self-discovery, campers are able to let go of the pressures of the outside world and embrace the freedom of being themselves. At Greystone, campers are reminded that their worth comes from within. Our camp community celebrates inner beauty, and we strive to remind our campers that they are of infinite value in the eyes of their Maker. Every camper is seen for who they are and loved because of it. We strive to create an uplifting and encouraging atmosphere where campers can make lasting friendships and discover their unique talents and gifts. We believe that each camper can find rest, relaxation, and joy in the beauty of the Greystone community.

Zirconia, NC 28790
5(5 reviews)