In the magical land of Michigan, surrounded by the Great Lakes, there exists a breed of industrious youngsters known as the "Farm Kids." Led by their sprightly mascot, Captain Cornstalk, a charismatic scarecrow with a golden hat and a pumpkin for a heart, these kids aren't your ordinary bunch. Now, don't let Captain Cornstalk's straw hair and button eyes fool you; he's got a brain full of wheat wisdom and a humor as sweet as apple cider. Michigan may be famous for its cherries, apples, and Motown music, but the real stars are these Farm Kids. They wake up at the crow of the rooster, tie their boot laces tight, and march to the beat of the morning sun. It's not just work for them; these kids make farming feel like a grand adventure. They chase after the mischievous pigs who love to play hide and seek, and have wheelbarrow races in the pumpkin patch. They have epic corn husking competitions, the laughter echoing across the farm, loud enough to scare away the crows. The Farm Kids, under the guidance of Captain Cornstalk, learn that a hard day's work can be fun. They discover the magic in watching a tiny seed grow into a towering sunflower, and the joy in picking a perfectly ripe apple straight off the tree. These Michigan youngsters not only help fill the table with the juiciest fruits and the crunchiest vegetables, but also fill the air with giggles and guffaws. Their merriment wraps around the state of Michigan like a warm, cozy quilt.
Read morebest farming programs in Howell, MI
At Third Space Kitchen, we proudly stand as Groton's MA premier culinary destination, offering dynamic team-building experiences that encourage collaboration through the art of cooking. Our state-of-the-art kitchens also serve as the ideal venue for private events, birthday celebrations, and public cooking classes, providing hands-on, immersive experiences for guests of all skill levels. Whether you're here to enhance team connections, celebrate a milestone, or expand your culinary skills, we can’t wait to welcome you to Third Space.
Our summer camp programs are the perfect way for your child to reconnect with nature while enjoying classic camp traditions and educational activities. Camp Wonder offers a wide range of day, overnight, and excursion camps, so you can find the right fit for your child. Our goal is to provide a fun, adventurous, and enriching summer camp experience for your child. We understand the importance of getting your children outside and connecting with nature, which is why we have worked hard to create an exciting and educational program that is sure to provide a memorable summer experience. Sign your child up today and help them to discover the wonders of the great outdoors.