Massachusetts, or MA as we like to call it, is a super special state that is as fun to explore as it is to say! It's tucked away in the northeastern corner of the U.S, like a hidden treasure chest full of cranberries, lobsters, and some of the best swimming spots you can imagine! Kids from all over MA are not just ordinary swimmers but true water wizards, transforming every stroke into a splash of magic. Meet our cool, imaginary character – Marvin the Marsh Merman. Marvin is a cheeky, fish-tailed prankster, with a belly full of laughs and a head full of crazy swimming tricks. His favorite hideout is the picturesque Cape Cod beaches, where he teaches the local kids how to dog-paddle like dolphins, backstroke like otters, and freestyle like flying fish! When Marvin's not busy turning kids into aquatic athletes, he loves telling hilarious tales about his adventures through the Boston Harbor, or the time he outswam a speedy sailfish in the Charles River. On a warm, sunny day, you might catch a glimpse of him sliding down the Berkshire hills, using a giant clam as a sled, because for Marvin, the entire state of MA is his whimsical water park! So, dear kiddos of Massachusetts, when you plunge into the pool or the ocean for your next swim, remember, with every splash and every laugh, you're adding a dash of 'Marvin Magic' to the beautiful state of MA.

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best swimming programs in Southfield, MA

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
4.5(4 reviews)
a person in a sailboat on water
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Camp WA WA Segowea has been making a difference in the lives of children since it opened in 1928. Here, campers are encouraged to venture beyond their comfort zone and try new activities, such as swimming in a lake, singing taps, eating wild blueberries, hiking several miles, and dancing the Time Warp. In addition, Segowea provides a distraction-free environment for its campers to engage in meaningful relationships with both themselves and their peers. By providing these experiences, Camp WA WA Segowea has had a positive, long-term impact on the lives of thousands of children.

Southfield, MA 01259
a man running on a beach
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Camp WA WA Segowea offers a classic American camping experience for children from across the country. Located on over 400 acres of pristine wilderness in the Berkshire mountains of Massachusetts, campers can explore Harmon Pond and the surrounding natural beauty. Our 11 chestnut cabins on “cabin row” provide a comfortable and rustic home-away-from-home for overnight campers. These simple structures offer bunk beds, electricity, large screened windows, and storage space for suitcases or trunks.

Southfield, MA 01259