In the magical land of Massachusetts, a place fondly known as "MA" by the locals, a unique tribe of kids known as the "Paint-splatter Pipsqueaks" live, breathe, and dream art. They are a fun-loving bunch, who, instead of building snowmen, paint murals on the snow using food color! And when it's not snowing, they chase rainbows across the sky, trying to capture all the colors for their next masterpiece. They are led by their zany, paint-splattered leader, Brushy Bob. Brushy Bob is no ordinary kid. He has an imaginary pet, a rainbow-striped squirrel named Squiggles. Squiggles has a magical bushy tail that can turn into any kind of paintbrush. With a flick of his tail, he can splash colors of joy on any canvas, or even the giant pumpkins that grow in the local farms. These kids don't just play with their paints; they dive headfirst into them. Literally! They are often found covered from head to toe in splotches of paint, looking like walking rainbows themselves. Do you know how kittens look after they've dived into a pile of yarn? That’s what our Paint-splatter Pipsqueaks look like after a day of painting. Their laughter can be heard ringing through the crisp Massachusetts air, as they embark on their color-filled adventures. It's a common sight to see the kids of MA, their faces smeared in vibrant hues, running around with their paintbrushes, making the world their canvas. Every day is a riot of colors in Massachusetts, thanks to our paint-loving Pipsqueaks and their hilarious escapades.

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best painting programs in Marblehead, MA


At Third Space Kitchen, we’re Boston’s top destination for engaging team-building experiences centered around the art of cooking. Our state-of-the-art kitchens provide the ideal backdrop for team collaboration, as well as private events, birthday parties, and public cooking classes, offering hands-on culinary adventures for all skill levels. Whether you're looking to strengthen team connections, celebrate a milestone, or explore new skills, we’re thrilled to have you join us at Third Space Kitchen.

Newton, MA 02461
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Our primary mission is to use the best of the Montessori philosophy to encourage children to reach their greatest potential. We strive to empower children to explore new interests and foster an appreciation of the arts. The Treasured Child curriculum caters to each child's unique abilities and skills, providing developmentally appropriate activities. The environment is designed to be engaging and stimulating, allowing children to explore new concepts in a natural way. Through small groups, circle times and self-directed play, children can learn at their own pace and build their self-confidence. The Treasured Child educational approach is grounded in the Montessori philosophy, which emphasizes independence and self-guided learning. We believe that children should be encouraged to strive for their best and to explore their interests. We strive to create an environment where each child can grow and learn, while developing an appreciation for the arts.

Marblehead, MA 01945
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​As a local freelance artist and designer, Olesea has found her true calling in art. She is fortunate to be able to pursue it as a career, through her professional studio. Art classes are available for all ages, from hobbyists and aspiring artists to energetic young children. Olesea also creates a variety of commission artwork, from storybook illustrations and logo designs, to outdoor and indoor murals, and theater decorations. At Olesea's studio, there is a creative and inspiring atmosphere, so that everyone can enjoy being creative and explore their passions. No matter the age or ability, Olesea is dedicated to helping everyone bring out their creative potential.

Marblehead, MA 01945