In the bustling beehive state of Massachusetts, known to its friends as MA, a merry troop of children venture forth on the grandest, most exciting, rollicking field trips known to kiddom. These bright-eyed explorers, often led by Mrs. Fluffernutter, a kindly teacher with a penchant for polka-dotted bow ties, are as diverse and delightful as the many 'chowdah' recipes you'll find in Boston! Now, let me introduce you to our main guy, Benny the Brontosaurus. Nope, not a dinosaur, a rather gangly boy with a dinosaur-like appetite for knowledge and fun! Benny and his band of buddies, known as the "Curious Crusaders", are particularly known for turning any ordinary field trip into an extraordinary adventure. Whether they're exploring the historic Freedom Trail, unearthing secrets at Plimoth Plantation, or stargazing at the Boston Museum of Science, they’re always up for a chuckle. You’ll often see Benny carrying a gigantic, colorful backpack filled with snacks, books, and a magnifying glass, 'cause you never know when you might need to examine a particularly interesting lobster up close! The children of MA are not just sightseers, but little detectives, historians, and scientists. They dive into each field trip with grit, gusto, and a lovable dash of goofiness. One time, Benny mistook a historic cannon for a mega-sized baguette at the USS Constitution Museum! In Massachusetts, the field trips are not just about studying; they're about laughter, togetherness, and making memories that last a lifetime. So, buckle up, put on your detective hats, and join Benny and the Curious Crusaders as they embark upon magical, Massachusetts' adventures!

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best field-trips programs in Cambridge, MA

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
4.5(4 reviews)
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If you're in the mood for an urban adventure, the Cambridge YMCA is easy to get to. We are conveniently located in Central Square, on the Red Line for public transportation. Buses frequently pass by our Mass Ave. site, and we are approximately halfway between MIT and Harvard University, directly across from City Hall. If you're driving, the Mass Pike, Storrow Drive, and Memorial Drive will take you right to us. Our parking lot is located directly behind the building on Green Street, and there is metered parking available on Mass Ave. and the surrounding streets.

Cambridge, MA 02139
3.9(5 reviews)
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At our school, we are taking a closer look at our current practices and policies to ensure that all students have equitable access to the resources and supports they need to be successful. Last but not least, we are committed to holding ourselves and our students accountable for their learning. We believe that by providing a safe and nurturing environment, our students will be motivated to take risks, learn from their mistakes, and grow in their understanding. This school year, we are prioritizing Inclusion, Equity, and Accountability. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive school culture that promotes belonging and connection, providing equitable access to instructional opportunities, and holding ourselves and our students accountable for their learning. We are confident that by doing this, our students will have a successful and enriching school year.

Cambridge, MA 02139
a person and two children
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We believe that every child is different and that no two children learn the same way. That's why we have created our Life Essentials® learning approach and curriculum. Our Life Essentials® learning approach and curriculum encourages children to learn and progress in their own way and at their own pace. We recognize that children have unique personalities and interests and by providing an environment that is stimulating and engaging, we are able to foster curiosity and creativity. With our nurturing teachers and stimulating environment, your child will be able to explore and grow socially, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. At Kiddie Academy of Cambridge, we are committed to ensuring that your child progresses in their own way and at their own pace. We provide a safe and nurturing environment that allows your child to explore their imagination and curiosity every day. Our Life Essentials® learning approach and curriculum is designed to support your child's development and allows them to progress at their own pace. With our highly trained teachers and stimulating environment, your child will have the opportunity to grow socially, physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

Cambridge, MA 02139
a group of people looking at a pile of flowers
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At Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House, we are proud to have served our community for over a century. We strive to provide resources and programs to immigrants and all generations of individuals in our community. Our food pantry, out-of-school time program, summer camp, and outreach to young adults are just a few of the ways we provide assistance. Additionally, we offer health-related programs, community organizing, and technology classes to those in need. We also host many community-wide events such as financial classes, exercise classes, poetry writing classes, and drumming classes. We strive to foster a sense of community and invite the Port community to join us at meetings and local gatherings. Our goal is to provide our community with resources and support that will help create a brighter future.

Cambridge, MA 02139