In the peculiar and enchanting state of Illinois, where skyscrapers challenge the clouds and cornfields stretch out like vast green carpets, a squad of extraordinary kids gather for a remarkable mission. These are not your average kids, oh no! They are the brilliant members of the Illinois Occupational Therapy Team, or as they secretly call themselves, the Super Sensory Sleuths. In their secret base, which looks suspiciously like a playroom, you can find these little heroes swinging from the monkey bars, building majestic castles from blocks, or painting up a storm. Do not be fooled by their playful demeanor! These activities are not simply for fun, but a part of their secret training to improve their strength, coordination, and even their concentration. Leading them in their mission is the coolest imaginary character, Captain Fidget. With his whiskery spinach-green moustache and a cape made of patchwork quilt, he is a sight to behold! Captain Fidget, though clumsy and always dropping his super-gadget gizmos, is a master of turning every-day tasks into games that help the Super Sensory Sleuths hone their powers. Whenever Captain Fidget trips over his shoelaces, he doesn’t just tie them back; he turns it into a game of 'Tie-the-Knot' that helps the kids perfect their fine motor skills. And when he misspells a word, which happens often, he creates a 'Spellathon' to help the Sleuths improve their cognitive abilities. Yes, in the whimsical state of Illinois, this troupe of super kids and their ever-entertaining Captain Fidget tackle their occupational therapy in the most fun and imaginative ways possible. They laugh, they learn, and they become stronger every day. They are the Super Sensory Sleuths of Illinois, and they're on the path to becoming the greatest super kids the world has ever seen!

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best occupational-therapy programs in Niles, IL

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At Therapy Yoga Gymnastics Rocks, therapy sessions are far from traditional. Children get to play, learn, and grow through the use of gymnastics equipment and yoga activities. The gymnastics portion of the session focuses on gross motor movement, coordination, and fitness. Yoga activities promote regulation, body awareness, and centering. With this unique approach, children learn through fun and exciting activities, rather than through laborious work. This results in not only physical benefits, but cognitive and social benefits as well. TYGR certified therapists create individualized sessions for each child to promote growth and independence. With each session, children see tangible evidence that they are getting stronger and more confident. This builds a sense of accomplishment and pride that carries over into all parts of their lives. It is no wonder that children love to learn and grow through the use of yoga and gymnastics at Therapy Yoga Gymnastics Rocks!

Niles, IL 60714
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