Down in the sun-kissed, peach-scented state of Georgia, where the trees sway in rhythmic harmony with the sweet southern breeze, there's an enchanted world teeming with pint-sized explorers! These aren't just any explorers, oh no! They are the daring, the brave, the legendary Georgia Nature Knights! These pint-sized adventurers, with their mud-smeared faces and grass-stained knees, dash through the lush forests, scale the majestic Appalachian Mountains, and wade through the cool waters of the Chattahoochee River with a zest for discovery and a twinkle in their eyes. Their leader is none other than the fantastically funny Sir Chuckles-a-Lot, a whimsical woodland gnome with an unruly beard, as colorful as a rainbow, and a laugh that echoes through the valleys and bounces off the hills. Sir Chuckles-a-Lot, wearing his acorn hat at a jaunty angle, guides the Georgia Nature Knights on their thrilling escapades. They unearth magical crystals in hidden caves, save wayward tadpoles from drying puddles and track the elusive Bigfoot who, between you and me, is just Sir Chuckles-a-Lot sporting oversized boots and a twig for a tail. They learn about the enchanting flora and curious fauna that call Georgia home, all while sharing more giggles than there are peaches in the state. Days end with the Georgia Nature Knights and Sir Chuckles-a-Lot, around a dancing campfire, telling tales of their adventures, their laughter mingling with the fireflies that twinkle like a constellation of Earth-bound stars. In this magical corner of Georgia, nature isn't just something to look at from a window, it's a world waiting to be discovered, one funny, muddy, laughter-filled adventure at a time.

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best nature programs in Decatur, GA

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
4.5(4 reviews)
a child holding a green lizard
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Introducing your children to the fascinating biodiversity of amphibians and reptiles is the goal of this exciting camp experience. With a maximum of only 15 campers per session, they will have the opportunity to observe and learn about both tropical and native species in an interactive, safe environment. The campers will be prompted to ask questions about the animals and discover the answers through hands-on observation. Experienced and caring camp instructors will ensure that biosecurity protocols are followed from the beginning of the camp and maintained vigilantly throughout.

Decatur, GA 30030