In the colossal land of California, where palm trees dance in the ocean breeze and the sun smiles brighter than a spotlight, a unique group of cool kids who go by the Code Commandos are making waves. They are not your everyday beach-loving, surfboard-riding, taco-munching Californians, although they do share a fondness for a good fish taco! Meet the Code Commandos, a group of kids each one more creative and curious than the last. They thrive in the world of ones and zeros, finding ways to make computers do things that will blow your socks off! When they are not exploring the scenic trails of Yosemite or catching a Lakers game, they are immersed in the thrilling world of coding and programming. There's Max, the leader, who can spin a web of code faster than a spider on a sugar rush. Lucy, the queen of debugging, can spot an error in a line of code from a mile away without her glasses! And then there's Sam, the youngest of the pack, who has more ideas buzzing in his head than there are seals on the sandy beaches of La Jolla. Each day, these kids sit before their silver screens, fingers flying over keyboards like pianists playing a symphony, creating magic that will shape the future. They laugh at the thought of pesky bugs in their code, squashing them with a chortle and a swift click. So, if you hear the echo of fast typing and the sight of the glowing screens in the Golden State, you might have just stumbled upon our fantastic Code Commandos, making the world a better place one line of code at a time!

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best coding-programming programs in Rocklin, CA

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At EDMO, we believe that all children should have equitable and empowering educational opportunities, regardless of their background or other circumstances. Our non-profit organization is focused on providing out-of-school learning experiences that foster self-discovery and exploration. We partner with schools to create custom curriculum that meets the specific needs of the students, while also ensuring that the school is meeting all state audit requirements. Our programs are designed to be supportive and inclusive, encouraging students to show up with courage, curiosity, and kindness. EDMO is committed to creating change within the system and removing inequities and oppressive structures. We understand the importance of ELO-P funding requirements and have the knowledge and experience necessary to ensure that your school meets those requirements. Our out-of-school learning opportunities provide kids with the chance to explore and develop their skills in STEAM and SEL-focused curriculum. At EDMO, we strive to give kids the opportunity to discover themselves and the world around them. We believe that all children should have access to equitable and empowering educational experiences and are committed to creating a system that provides them with the opportunity to do so. Our partnership programs are designed to be inclusive and supportive, offering kids the chance to learn with courage, curiosity, and kindness. We are also knowledgeable about ELO-P funding requirements and program design, ensuring that your school is meeting all state audit requirements.

Rocklin, CA 95765
4.9(5 reviews)
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At EDMO, we're committed to giving kids the best learning experience possible. Our unique, multi-layered approach helps children to develop both hard skills such as STEAM and foreign language, as well as soft skills including social-emotional learning (SEL). Our team of passionate and well-trained staff members are dedicated to the EDMO mission and provide an example for kids to follow. We believe that all kids deserve access to out-of-school learning opportunities, no matter their background. That's why we work closely with school districts, organizations, and local communities to make sure that everyone has equitable access to our learning programs. At EDMO, we're passionate about providing year-round learning experiences that kids can enjoy. Our unique approach to learning helps children to develop a range of skills, and our staff members are dedicated to our mission of providing out-of-school learning opportunities for all. We strive to create a world where kids have the tools they need to achieve success.

Rocklin, CA 95677
a boy sitting at a desk with a laptop and a toy
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At IntelliBricks, we’re dedicated to helping children get a jump start in STEM. Founded by a female entrepreneur, we understand the importance of offering quality education and fostering future generations of STEM experts. Technology is growing rapidly and the skills gained through STEM-related classes are invaluable for kids today. Our classes are crafted to excite and motivate children while also helping to build their knowledge of the STEM disciplines. IntelliBricks is devoted to providing children with an early advantage in STEM. As a female-owned business, we recognize the necessity of providing a strong foundation and inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals. Our world is becoming more heavily reliant on technology, thus making STEM-related classes increasingly essential for today’s children. Our classes are created to captivate and propel kids while developing their understanding of STEM-related topics.

Rocklin, CA 95765