Once upon a time, in the wonderfully wild state of California, a troop of imaginative kids congregated under the sheltering arms of giant sequoia trees. These weren’t just your average, everyday kids. Oh no, these were the 'Cali Quill Kids', the most creative children in the whole wide world! They congregated every Saturday, and sometimes on the odd Wednesday, to participate in an enchanting writing activity that was more magical than a Disneyland roller coaster ride. Now you see, California is a state that’s as diverse as a jigsaw puzzle. It has golden beaches where the surfers ride waves like rodeo cowboys, towering forests where trees touch the clouds, buzzing cities where dreams are born, and arid deserts where cacti wear sombreros. Yes, you heard it right, in California, cacti wear sombreros! As for the Cali Quill Kids, they used this diversity as ink for their pens. Their stories were as varied as the landscape, from heroic lifeguards saving whales to talking Redwoods solving crime, each tale was as unique as a unicorn's hiccup. Leading these incredible children was Scribble, a blue octopus with a pen in each of his eight hands, who had swum all the way from the Pacific Ocean to inspire these children. Scribble was very funny. He would often forget which pen he was writing with and end up with eight different stories at once. But the Cali Quill Kids didn't mind. They loved their eight-legged, ink-squirting, story-juggling companion and knew that with Scribble around, their Saturdays (and the odd Wednesday) would never be dull.

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best writing programs in Murrieta, CA

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At Murrieta Ranch Pre-School, we are proud to offer an engaging and comprehensive full-day Kindergarten program. Our classroom provides a hands-on learning experience that encourages your child to develop a love for learning. Our academic curriculum meets both the California State and local district standards, and our low student-to-teacher ratio ensures that each child receives extra attention when needed. Our Kindergarten program also allows for formal desk-time instruction and center rotations. This gives the teachers an opportunity to assess each child’s learning style and progress. With this unique approach to education, your child is sure to make the most of their time in the classroom and gain the skills necessary to succeed in the future. At Murrieta Ranch Pre-School, we are proud to offer a top-notch Kindergarten program. Our low student-to-teacher ratio provides your child with the personalized attention they need to reach their fullest potential. With a variety of hands-on learning experiences and an academic curriculum that meets California State and local district standards, your child will experience a truly comprehensive educational experience. Our teachers are able to assess each child’s learning style and progress through formal desk-time instruction and center rotations, making sure that each student is getting the necessary attention.

Murrieta, CA 92562