In the sunny, surfboard-loving state of California, you'll find a special bunch of kids who are more fish than human. They're the California Swimming Squad, a lively group of water-splashing, wave-crashing, pool-diving young ones who could do the butterfly stroke before they could even walk. They aren't just regular kids; they're the underwater superheroes of the Golden State! Now, let's zoom in on their leader, Bubbles McFin, a freckle-faced, ten-year-old with hair as bright as the Californian sun. Bubbles, with his neon flippers and his lucky rubber duck swim cap, can do a 100-yard freestyle faster than a dolphin with a jetpack! He's a big fan of seaweed smoothies and dreams of becoming the younger, cooler Aquaman. But watch out! When he's not perfecting his backstroke, he's notorious for his water cannon pranks. California might be famous for its Hollywood stars, but these children are the real stars, gleaming brightly in chlorinated waters. They swim their hearts out, making waves from San Diego to Sacramento, splashing joy and water all over their sunny state. So, if you ever find yourself in California, don't be surprised if you see a kid zoom by with a speed of a torpedo, leaving a trail of rainbow bubbles behind. That's just Bubbles McFin and his merry group of aquatic adventurers, turning the swimming pools into their personal playgrounds and making the Pacific Ocean their second home. Remember, in the world of these water babies, laughter echoes louder than splashes, and the only thing that sinks is boredom. So, dive in, the water's great!

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The Los Angeles County 4-H Youth Development Program has been providing a unique and enriching camp experience since 1931! Campers ages 8 to 18 have the opportunity to make new friends, stay active with organized games and sports activities, explore the outdoors, create arts and crafts projects, and develop leadership skills. Over the years, campers have come from California, and all over the U.S., to take part in the week-long overnight camp program. The camp meets the highest standards set by both the California 4-H Youth Development Program and the American Camp Association. The camp staff is made up of senior 4-H members, adult volunteers, and 4-H UCANR staff, and the 4-H Summer Camp Committee is responsible for managing the program, ensuring ACA accreditation, and selecting the camp's most qualified leaders.

Lancaster, CA 93535
5(3 reviews)