South Carolina, affectionally known as SC, is a picturesque place, where the sun is an ever-cheerful character that loves to shower the state with warmth. The Mighty Palmetto trees stand tall, like tall green giants, whispering secrets to the birds and squirrels that play within their branches. The beaches hum lullabies to the gentle waves, while the mountains, those ancient story-tellers, stand majestic against the blue expanse of the sky. Now, let's zoom in on a group of kids in SC. Every morning, as the sun wakes up and yawns, spreading its golden rays, these kids gather in a park. But, they're not there to play football or frisbee. No, sir! These SC kids are there for something entirely different: Tai Chi! Tai Chi, you ask? Isn't that for old people? Not for these kids. Their leader is a rather peculiar 10-year-old named Timmy, who, owing to his unusually long beard for his age, is fondly called "Tiny Tai Chi Timmy". Timmy, with his invisible pet dragon, Bruce, teaches the group Tai Chi moves. They mimic the graceful crane, the powerful tiger, and the slow-moving tortoise, all while trying not to giggle at Timmy's beard, which dances in the wind. This Tai Chi gang, as they call themselves, move in slow-motion, as if someone hit the pause button on them. It's a funny sight to behold - a bunch of kids moving as slowly as snails, in a park in South Carolina, led by a tiny boy with a long, flowing beard and his invisible pet dragon. But guess what? They love it, and wouldn't trade their Tai Chi mornings for anything else. So, the next time you're in SC, drop by to say hi. But remember, you have to move in slow-motion, or you'll scare Bruce away!
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