In the marvelous mitten-shaped state of Michigan, nestled between the shimmering Great Lakes, a group of intrepid kids embark on a glorious adventure called Lacrosse. These kids, known as the Michigan Mitten Munchers, are just ordinary youngsters during the day, but as soon as they pick up their lacrosse sticks, they morph into extraordinary heroes. Our protagonist is a goofy, friendly creature named Larry the Lacrosse Lovin' Loon. This quirky character, with his shiny feathers and a lacrosse stick always in hand, acts as the team's guide, coach, and sometimes even their ball! He may be a few feathers short of a full plume, but Larry's love for lacrosse and his infectious laughter make every game a hoot and the kids adore him. Now, these Michigan Munchers aren't just any lacrosse players. They possess a unique superpower: every time they play, they turn into super-fast, super-strong, super-agile superheroes. Talk about a power play! Larry and the Munchers streak across the lacrosse field like blurs of lightning, their laughter echoing through the crisp Michigan air. They dodge, weave, and flick the ball - which is often Larry - through the goal, their faces shining brighter than the sun reflecting on Lake Michigan. In Michigan, lacrosse isn't just a game; it's a magical journey filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the occasional feather. From Detroit to Grand Rapids, from the shores of the Upper Peninsula to the Straits of Mackinac, Larry and the Michigan Mitten Munchers represent the joy, energy and spirit of Michigan. And they never forget the golden rule of Lacrosse: "Play with all your heart, laugh with all your might, and always, always pass the Loon".
Read morebest lacrosse programs in Carsonville, MI
Welcome, craft enthusiasts, to the Crafts Zone! This is your gateway to a world where creativity meets learning. With our specially designed crafting sessions, we aim to cater to not just your artistic side, but also your intellectual curiosity. We dedicate 20% of our sessions to learning, so you can always stay updated with the latest crafting techniques. Get ready to create and network as these form the bulk of our sessions, a whopping 70%! You'll have plenty of opportunities to bring your imaginative ideas to life and also meet fellow craft lovers. Enjoy the shared experience of creating something beautiful while making friends who share your passion. And let's not forget about relaxation! At Crafts Zone, 10% of our time is devoted to unwinding. Crafting can be therapeutic, and we believe in the power of creativity to relieve stress. So, come and enjoy the tranquil, artistic atmosphere. Don't forget to take a look at our upcoming workshops. With Crafts Zone, let the creative journey begin!
For over 85 years CYO has been an integral part of the Detroit Archdiocese, offering area youth a safe haven to grow, learn, and develop. Founded in 1933, it was established to support metropolitan Detroit’s children, regardless of their religious faith, their racial background, or their day-to-day living conditions. CYO is not a department of the Archdiocese but an independent organization with its own Board of Directors, approved by the Archbishop each year. CYO seeks to become a true partner with our community’s children, helping them to enjoy their youth and become faith and community leaders. When they become adults, the organization encourages them to work with the next generation of youth, thereby continuing the cycle of growth and development in our area. CYO has been an important part of the Detroit Archdiocese for over 85 years, and through its programs, it ensures that children have a safe and supportive environment in which to thrive.