Indiana, also known as the Hoosier State, is a magical place where cornfields dance, cars zoom around the Indianapolis 500 track, and kids are the stars of the Arts & Crafts world. These creative Hoosier kiddos are an incredibly zany bunch! They are led by the great imaginary character, Picasso Pigeon, who sports a paintbrush tail and a beret on his feathery head. Picasso Pigeon is a funny little bird who can't fly but boy, can he paint! He whizzes around Indiana, zooming faster than a race car, leaving a trail of rainbow colors behind him. He helps the Hoosier kids concoct wacky creations from the stuff of dreams. One day, you might see a tall tower made of popcorn and lollipops, the next, a dinosaur crafted from corn husks and feathers. Every day, our Hoosier creators gather around Picasso Pigeon, their eyes sparkling brighter than the stars over Lake Michigan. They laugh and giggle as they create masterpieces, each one more wonderfully weird than the last. Picasso Pigeon parades around, his paintbrush tail whirling and twirling, creating magical colors in the air. The kids watch in awe, then dip their paintbrushes in the splashes of color, ready to create their next big masterpiece. In Indiana, kids learn that art doesn't always have to be perfect, it just has to be fun. And boy, do they have fun! They laugh, they paint, they create, and they learn, all under the watchful eye of the greatest artist Indiana has ever known, the one and only Picasso Pigeon!
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