In a whimsical corner of a magical land, known to ordinary folks as the state of Connecticut, and affectionally dubbed as the 'Nutmeg State', a motley bunch of energetic young sprites called the 'Connecti-cuties' gather to dance. Connecticut is not just a collection of quaint towns, and beautiful forests with spectacular fall colors. It isn't merely the home of the world's largest hamburger or the birthplace of the Frisbee. It's also a buzzing hub of rhythm, music, and dance, thanks to the Connecti-cuties! These young dancers aren't your ordinary dabblers in dance. Nope! They are magical beings who can tap-dance on clouds, pirouette on rainbows, and moonwalk on the moon. When the Connecti-cuties start to groove, even the Connecticut River takes a break from its journey to the ocean to watch their mesmerizing moves. One of the most legendary among these sprightly beings is a lad named Jiggy Jax. His jokes are as famous as his jigs. He once made a pine tree laugh so hard that it shed all its pine cones! Jiggy Jax, with his flaming red hair and twinkly blue eyes, dances with such gusto that he can literally make the earth quake under his tapping shoes. If you ever find yourself in the Nutmeg State, listen carefully. If you hear the faintest tap, tap, tap, along with peals of laughter, you know the Connecti-cuties are nearby, having their dance party. So, tiptoe quietly, and you might just catch a glimpse of their enchanting show!
Read morebest dance programs in Guilford, CT
Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!
Do you have a dancer, cheerleader, or gymnast at home? Looking to take their skills to the next level? Look no further than our facility! Our spot is a premier training facility for acrobatics and hip-hop, a new and growing genre. Our classes are designed to help you improve your skills while having fun. And not only that, but we also have very successful Junior and Senior League competition teams. Our facility is perfect for a wide variety of people, from beginners who have never done hip-hop before to experienced gymnasts who want extra tumbling time. Plus, our friendly and experienced staff will ensure that your child will learn the perfect skills in a safe and fun environment. So don't wait any longer! Sign up for one of our classes today and let your child take their skills to the next level. Our spot is the perfect place to unleash your child's inner artist and gain the acrobatic and hip-hop skills they need to succeed.