aerial photograph of islands
Photo byNASAonUnsplash

Over on the sun-kissed, beach-riddled, avocado-filled strip of land we call California, there's a crew of brave, daring, and slightly nutty kids that are part of a secret, exclusive society. This society doesn't require secret handshakes, code phrases or special cloaks. No, these kids are part of the high-flying, gasp-inducing world of Aerial Arts! Meet our main man, Funky Freddie. Freddie is as Californian as a perfectly toasted almond. He loves surfing the Pacific waves, snacking on fish tacos, and, of course, hanging upside down from dizzying heights. Freddie has a mop of wild curls that fluffs up like a startled porcupine when he's spinning through the air, a grin as wide as the Golden Gate Bridge, and the kind of fearless spirit that makes grown-ups shake their heads in disbelief. Freddie and his fearless friends are the superheroes of this Aerial Arts world. Suspended from silken scarves, they spin, flip, and twirl, defying gravity and making the audience's hearts pound faster than a rabbit in a marathon. They're not afraid to risk a tumble, because they know the ground (or at least, the safety mat) will always catch them. Every day, these daring children learn something new - how to balance while hanging from their knees, how to wrap themselves up in the fabric like a cocoon and then unfurl with the grace of a butterfly, and most importantly, how to laugh when they slip or stumble. For in the sunny state of California, even when you're upside down, life is always an adventure!

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best aerial-arts programs in Alameda, CA

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With Girl Scouts of Northern California, girls can get outdoors and explore. Whether they’re in their own backyard or on one of Girl Scouts’ beautiful properties, outdoor experiences provide girls with a sense of self and independence in a safe, girl-led environment. Camping is a great way to make memories, have fun, and learn new skills. Girl Scouts of Northern California offers a variety of activities for girls to explore. From high adventure and STEM to art and music, there's something for every girl to enjoy! Girls can challenge themselves, learn valuable lessons, and gain the confidence to take on new challenges. With Girl Scouts, girls can get outdoors and have an amazing experience that will stay with them for years to come!

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5(3 reviews)