Once upon a time, in the wonderfully wacky world of Arkansas, nestled between forests, mountains, and hot springs, there lived groups of highly energetic kids. They were not ordinary kids, oh no! They were members of the 'Arkansas Little Sprinters', a team of young marathon runners who boasted more stamina than a pack of squirrels on candy floss! Now, Arkansas, fondly known as AR, was a state that had it all - rivers for racing paper boats, cotton fields as soft as marshmallows for pillow fights, and forests brimming with cheeky squirrels. But the most exciting part was when the 'Little Sprinters' would line up for their epic marathons. Who was their coach, you ask? Well, it was none other than the legendary Speedy Sam, a sasquatch with the speed of a thunderbolt. Sam was as tall as a redwood tree and had feet as big as pizza paddles. But despite his size, he was faster than the fastest cheetah and cooler than a cucumber in a freezer. Sam would bellow, "Ready, set, go!" and the kids would zoom off like rockets, their feet kicking up dust and laughter echoing across the fields. Each marathon was a grand spectacle, filled with laughter, fun, and astonishing feats of youthful endurance. Those wild and wacky 'Little Sprinters' were the shining stars of AR, proving that even the smallest legs could run the greatest distances. Their adventures were the stuff of legends, whispered in the wind that blew across the cotton fields, and etched forever in the heart of the beautiful, fun-loving state of Arkansas.

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